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  • Escape from the Wildfire

    Jack loves mountain biking, and when his dad forbids him to ride in the forest surrounding Lytton because of the risk of wildfire, the reality of BC's heat dome sets in. Days later, the village of Lytton burns down, forcing Jack to evacuate to Merritt.

    $14.95, Paperback
    Interest ages: 11-18
    Reading level: Grade 4
    Lexile Reading Level: HL670L
  • Getting to Zero

    Is Canada on the path that will get us to zero emissions? What can citizens and activists do to generate real action?
    $24.95, Paperback
  • The Big Stall

    This book explains how energy companies have essentially written the Trudeau government's climate change policies, and what citizens can do to force a rewrite.
    $24.95, Paperback
  • The Lac-Mégantic Rail Disaster

    This book uncovers the shocking full story of the July 6, 2013 oil train catastrophe that killed 47 people — why it happened, how it happened, and why it can happen again.
    $24.95, Paperback
  • Oil's Deep State

    Why doesn't the government act on climate change? An Alberta insider's perspective
    $22.95, Paperback
  • Damming the Peace

    Independent researchers and journalists on the latest big water megaproject to divide British Columbia

    $22.95, Paperback
  • Canada after Harper

    The definitive account of the Harper government -- and how its policies can be stopped
    $22.95, Paperback
  • Journey to the Tar Sands

    Nineteen young environmentalists go on an Alberta road trip to learn the truth about tar sands development.

    $19.95, Paperback
  • Tar Sands Showdown

    The full story of Alberta's tar sands developments and their impacts -- social, economic, political and environmental -- by a noted public policy analyst and activist.

    $19.95, Paperback
  • Cloak of Green

    In this book award-winning journalist Elaine Dewar explores links between key environmental groups, government and big business.
    $22.95, Paperback
  • Placeholder

    Dirty Business

    Dirty  Business focuses on a young industry whose power and freedom from regulation raises far- ranging questions about private enterprise and the public interest.

    $19.95, Paperback
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