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  • Steamboats on the Lakes

    With a rich collection of paintings, photographs, and other illustrations from museums and archives across Ontario, Steamboats on the Lakes tells the unique story of the boats, the dangerous waters they plied, and the daring entrepreneurs and hardy sailors who navigated the many rough and glorious passages of the steamships' heyday.
    $24.95, Paperback
  • The Age of Sail

    In this beautifully illustrated volume, marine historian Stanley Spicer recaptures the age of sail and its many colourful characters.
    $24.95, Paperback
  • Shipwreck Treasures

    Illustrated in colour with artifacts, underwater photography and historical visuals, Shipwreck Treasures tracks four centuries of marine disasters on Canada's eastern seaboard.
    $24.95, Paperback
  • The Age of Sail

    In this beautifully illustrated volume, marine historian Stanley Spicer recaptures the age of sail and its many colourful characters.
    $29.95, Paperback
  • Titanic Remembered

    The sinking of the ocean-liner Titanic captured the attention of all North America and Europe. As the nearest large port to the site of the disaster, Halifax was the focus of the world's grief.
    $16.95, Paperback
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