Alternative Federal Budget Papers 1997

by Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

This is a budget that reflects the values Canadians hold dear- whether it's fighting unemployment and poverty, protecting Medicare and the social safety net, or ensuring that everyone pays their fair share of the cost of government.

This is a budget that reflects the values Canadians hold dear- whether it's fighting unemployment and poverty, protecting Medicare and the social safety net, or ensuring that everyone pays their fair share of the cost of government.

This budget shows how unemployment can be cut in half and how poverty can be cut by one-third in the next few years. It shows how Ottawa can afford to put money back into education and health care, while reducing the debt burden faster than Paul Martin plans. It shows how selective, targeted tax increases for the wealthy can generate some needed additional resources without penalizing average Canadians.

About the Author

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Subjects (BISAC)

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