Arthur Throws a Tantrum

by Ginette Anfousse

illustrated by Anne Villeneuve

translated by Sarah Cummins

Arthur has had enough and he's going to show his dad how mad he is - by tearing his room apart and barricading himself inside.
That's it! Arthur has had enough and he's going to show his dad how mad he is - by tearing his room apart and barricading himself inside. But what could have made Arthur this angry?

About the Authors

Ginette Anfousse

Ginette Anfousse
GINETTE ANFOUSSE , a native of Montreal, is the author of more than twelve books for Children and Young Adults, including the Arthur series and A Terrible Secret. She is also the recipient of many awards, including the Mr Christie Book Award and the Governor Generals Award.

Anne Villeneuve

ANNE VILLENEUVE has illustrated many childrens books as well as magazines and educational texts. She was a finalist for the Communication-Jeunesse Culinar Award for children's book illustration.'(more)

Sarah Cummins


"Just right for young readers."
Today's Parent

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