Canada Among Nations 1988
The Tory Record
edited by Brian Tomlin and Maureen Appel Molot
Canada Among Nations is both an analysis of international developments in 1988 and an assessment of the Conservative government's record in the foreign-policy arena.
The 1988 edition of Canada Among Nations closely scrutinizes the legislative record of the Conservative government of Brian Mulroney during its first term.
In the area of foreign policy, the Mulroney Conservative government had a lot on its plate during its first term of office--free trade with the United States, Arctic sovereignty, the continuing problems of South African apartheid and Third World development, to cite only a few examples. Balanced and comprehensive, the book covers everything from Soviet glasnost to declining U.S. hegemony, from the future of the Canada-U.S. relationship to the government's abandoned plans for nuclear-powered submarines.
Canada Among Nations is both an analysis of international developments in 1988 and an assessment of the Conservative government's record in the foreign-policy arena.