Canada’s Population Outlook

Demographic Futures and Economic Challenges

by David K. Foot

Canada was not prepared for the impact of the Baby Boom on its education system and labour market- despite the fact that these effects were entirely predictable. Will the country be better prepared to cope with demographic changes in the years ahead?
Canada was not prepared for the impact of the 1950s "Baby Boom" on its education system and labour market - despite the fact that these effects were entirely predictable. Will the country be better prepared to cope with demographic changes coming in the years ahead?
In this study, David Foot considers all the factors that affect the size and composition of Canada's and each province's population, and makes demographic projections up to the year 2051, with analysis of trends up to the year 2001. The projections - given for each province and for Canada as a whole - provide a wealth of information on future economic and social needs.

About the Author

David K. Foot

DAVID K. FOOT is a professor of economics at the University of Toronto. He is also the author of Boom, Bust & Echo: Profiting from the Demographic Shift in the New Millennium.(more)

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