Hudson’s Bay Company Adventures (JR)

Tales of Canada's Early Fur Traders

by Elle Andra-Warner

This story of the Canadian fur trade began more than 500 years ago, as interest in beaver pelts rose.

The story of the Canadian fur trade began more than 500 years ago. It started because European men wanted hats made of beaver. This action-packed account of the rise of the Hudson's Bay Company tells the stories of the men and women involved. From its earliest days, the HBC battled everyone and everything just to survive.

About the Author

A graduate of Lakehead University, ELLE ANDRA-WARNER is the author of three books for Altitude Publishing's Amazing Stories series. She is also a travel journalist/photographer, a freelance feature writer, and a seminar speaker. Elle resides in Thunder Bay with her husband, Glenn, and daughter Cindi, but travels often to Alberta and British Columbia to visit her other two daughters, Tania and Tami.

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