No Life Like It

Military Wives in Canada

by Deborah Harrison and Lucie Laliberte

This book is a compelling case study in gendered division of labour. It is also a feminist account of how women's work is organized and controlled by a powerful social institution.

This book is a compelling case study in gendered division of labour. It is also a feminist account of how women's work is organized and controlled by a powerful social institution.

The authors interviewed 112 English and French speaking military wives and former wives, representing all ranks and elements of the service. They also conducted 47 interviews with military members, family support personnel, social workers, doctors, padres, and National Defence Headquarters administrators and generals.

No Like Like It offers an intimate and disturbing portrait of Canadian military life.

About the Authors

Deborah Harrison

Deborah Harrison
DEBORAH HARRISON is Professor of Sociology and past Director of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research at the University of New Brunswick. She has published work on a number of aspects of Canadian society, including her co-authored book, No Life Like It: Military Wives in Canada (Lorimer, 1994). She is a member of the Canadian Forces Advisory Council to Veterans Affairs Canada.

Lucie Laliberte

LUCIE LALIBERTE is a co-founder of the Organization of Spouses of Military Members (OSOMM). She is a lawyer, practising in the area of pensions and family law, a military wife, and mother of five children.

Subjects (BISAC)


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