The Québécois Dictionary

by Léandre Bergeron

In this work Leandre Bergeron has gathered together over 6,000 of the  most popular words and expressions so that English speakers can discover and enjoy Quebecois- the "real" language of Quebec.  And now, let the Quebecois words sing in your ears.

In Quebec, we don't speak "real" French.  We speak much more than that.  We speak Quebecois - a living, gut feeling language that includes the modern French one finds in Larousse, plus thousands of words and expressions that have flourished during the three hundred years our fore-bearers settled along the St. Lawrence, hunted and plowed their way through Amerindian territory, survived British colonialism and gave us a sole inheritance a national identity, and with it a language our very own way of saying, for instance, it's raining (i mouille), stop bugging me (achale-moue pas) and I love you a lot (ch't'aime en titi).

In this work Leandre Bergeron has gathered together over 6,000 of the  most popular words and expressions so that English speakers can discover and enjoy Quebecois- the "real" language of Quebec.  And now, let the Quebecois words sing in your ears.

About the Author

LEANDRE BERGERON is a former teacher of the Quebecois literature at Concordia University. He left the academic life in 1978 to settle on a farm in Quebec's Abitibi region.

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