We Stood Together

First-hand Accounts of Dramatic Events in Canada's Labour Past

by Gloria Montero

First published in 1979, We Stood Together offers vivid and immediate accounts of the most exciting and influential moments in Canadian labour history.
First published in 1979, We Stood Together tells the stories of twelve of Canada's outstanding labour leaders and organizers.
Their accounts tell the behind-the-scenes stories of some of the key events in the twentieth-century Canadian history: the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike; the 1935 On-to-Ottawa trek of the unemployed, which played a major role in the defeat of Tory Prime Minister R.B. Bennett; the 1945 Ford strike in Windsor, which consolidated the rights of big industrial unions; the 1972 Common Front of Quebec's public sector workers.
We Stood Together offers vivid and immediate accounts of the most exciting and influential moments in Canadian labour history.

About the Author

Gloria Montero

GLORIA MONTERO is a writer, broadcaster and film-maker.

Subjects (BISAC)


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