What Does Quebec Want?

by Andre Bernard

This book, first published in 1978, maintains that there is a clear answer to its eponymous question, perennially voiced by English-speaking Canadians.

This book, first published in 1978, maintains that there is a clear answer to its eponymous question, perennially voiced by English-speaking Canadians.

In this lucid and objective account, Andre Bernard examines both historical precedent and current attitudes to show that French-speaking Quebecois share a body of beliefs and goals that transcend their partisan differences. He finds a high degree of consensus about the need for cultural survival, economic improvement and greater control of the levers of power.

What Does Quebec Want? remains a valuable record of the consolidation of the Quiet Revolution in the late 1970s.

About the Author

Andre Bernard

Andre Bernard
ANDRE BERNARD is a senior political scientist at the University of Montreal and an expert in public administration.

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