Women and Housing

Changing Needs and the Failure of Policy

by Janet McClain

with Cassie Doyle

JANET MCCLAIN and CASSIE DOYLE construct a new statistical profile of Canadian women that makes possible an analysis of the characteristics affecting housing status.

In recent years changes in society - such as the soaring rate of family breakups - have thrust many more women than before into a role of housing consumer.

Despite the enormous involvement of government in housing since the Second World War, public policy has paid little attention to this major change in the demand for housing.  Policy studies and data collection have either ignored gender altogether or made outdated assumptions about women's housing status. 

This groundbreaking study finds that women are indeed harder pressed than men to find adequate shelter.

About the Authors

JANET MCCLAIN, an analyst with the Canadian Council on Social Development, is the author of many social policy studies, including Credit: A Mortgage for Life, and Are Housing Allowances the Answer?

Subjects (BISAC)


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