HELEN MILECETE, pseudonym of SUSAN (MORROW) JONES (1864-1926), grew up on the banks of the Northwest Arm in Halifax as part of a talented family. Her sister, Helen (Morrow) Pasque Duffus was herself to become a writer, and her first cousins, Alice Jones and Frances (Jones) Bannerman, were an internationally-recognized novelist and artist respectively. Using various pseudonyms (S. Carleton, S. Carleton Jones, Helen Milecete), Susan Jones published many short stories in the United States and Britain, but is best remembered for a series of sprightly novels with titles as varied as A Girl of the North, The Career of Mrs. Osborne, and A Detached Pirate.
HELEN MILECETE, pseudonym of SUSAN (MORROW) JONES (1864-1926), grew up on the banks of the Northwest Arm in Halifax as part of a talented family. Her sister, Helen (Morrow) Pasque Duffus was herself to become a writer, and her first cousins, Alice Jones and Frances (Jones) Bannerman, were an internationally-recognized novelist and artist respectively. Using various pseudonyms (S. Carleton, S. Carleton Jones, Helen Milecete), Susan Jones published many short stories in the United States and Britain, but is best remembered for a series of sprightly novels with titles as varied as A Girl of the North, The Career of Mrs. Osborne, and A Detached Pirate.
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