Jacques R. Pauwels

Jacques R. Pauwels has taught European history at a number of universities in Ontario, including York, Waterloo and Guelph. He is the author of The Great Class War 1914–1918, Big Business and Hitler and The Myth of the Good War, revisionist histories of the rise of fascism and the World Wars. His books are read around the world and have been published in French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Russian, Turkish and Korean. An independent scholar, Pauwels holds PhDs in history (York) as well as political science (U of T). He lives in Brantford, Ontario.

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  • Myths of Modern History

    Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels challenges readers to reconsider what they know about some key events in the last 250 years of world history.

    $27.95, Paperback
  • Big Business and Hitler

    An in-depth examination of Hitler's ties to big business in Germany, the United States, Britain, and France
    $27.95, Paperback
  • The Great Class War 1914-1918

    Far from an accident of history, the First World War was a long sought-after event welcomed by European elites as a check against democratization and socialist reforms — but the war had far-reaching and unexpected consequences.
    $27.95, Paperback
  • The Myth of the Good War

    A revisionist historian offers a refreshing but challenging account of the Second World War, what caused it, why it unfolded as it did, and who emerged the real victor.
    $24.95, Paperback
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