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  • J.B. McLachlan: A Biography, New Edition

    The story of famed Cape Breton trade unionist, educator, and agitator J.B. McLachlan, the coal miners’ wars of the early twentieth century, and the fight for social justice.

    $39.95, Paperback
  • From Layton to Singh

    An incisive analysis of the federal NDP since 2000, examining the ongoing, unresolved tension between the party’s idealistic grassroots base and centrist bureaucracy at its core.

    $24.95, Paperback
  • Corporate Rules: The Real World of Business Regulation in Canada

    Corporations and their lobbyists have captured control of most Canadian regulatory bodies. How this happened is documented by field experts, insiders, academics and whistleblowers.

    $27.95, Paperback
  • Placeholder

    Joseph Howe Volumes I & II

    Joseph Howe is an epic two-volume account of the life of one of the towering figures of the fight for Responsible Government in the colonies that would come together to form the modern Canadian nation.
    $12.95, Paperback
  • Catholics and Canadian Socialism

    This work is an impressive study of the attitudes of the Catholic church in Canada towards the challenge of socialism and progressive social change.
    $16.95, Paperback
  • The Age of Mackenzie King

    William Lyon Mackenzie King played a vital role in shaping Canadian politics, economics and international relations from 1900 to the present. His importance is indicated by the energy of Liberal party historians in creating an official version of life.

    $16.95, Paperback
  • Dance of the Dialectic

    Dance of the Dialectic is a stunning tour-de-force, the story of Canadian politics since 1968 and an account of how Pierre Elliot Trudeau's government and the Ottawa press gallery together have made and re-made the political mood in this country.
    $14.95, Paperback
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