Catholics and Canadian Socialism

Political Thought in the Thirties and Forties

by Gregory Baum

This work is an impressive study of the attitudes of the Catholic church in Canada towards the challenge of socialism and progressive social change.
This work is an impressive study of the attitudes of the Catholic church in Canada towards the challenge of socialism and progressive social change.
Catholics and Canadian Socialism draws on previously inaccessible material to review the hostile response of the Catholic hierarchy to leftist politics. The author also examines three specific instances - CCF activism in Saskatchewan, the Action liberale nationale in Quebec and the Antigonish Movement - where progressive attitudes were advanced in spite of the church's official attitude.

About the Author

Gregory Baum

Gregory Baum
Gregory Baum is the author of many book including Religion and Alienation and The Social Imperative. He has also taught in the Faculty of Religious Studies and Sociology at St. Michaels College in the University of Toronto.'(more)

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