Ending Poverty

A Basic Income for all Canadians

by Francois Blais

In Ending Poverty, political scientist François Blais explores the idea of a universal basic income for all Canadians.

As Canada's social safety net continues to be eroded and the gap between rich and poor in our society continues to grow, it becomes increasingly urgent to confront the problems of poverty in fresh and creative ways.

Political scientist François Blais offers a bold new proposal to assist the poorest and most disadvantaged in our society: a guaranteed basic income, or allowance, to be paid to every Canadian citizen. Elaborating on ideas endorsed by two Nobel laureates, Blais outlines how a program might be implemented that would replace the present profusion of social assistance programs with a single, universal benefit.

Stimulating and original, Ending Poverty offers an important contribution to the ongoing debate over social justice in this country.

Originally published in French as Un revenu garanti pour tous.

Translated by Jennifer Hutchison.

About the Author

Francois Blais

Francois Blais
FRANÇOIS BLAIS is Professor of Political Science at the University of Laval. He is co-editor of a book on liberalism and nationalism published by the Presses de lUniversité Laval and the author of many articles concerning social justice issues.'

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