Good For You, Mikey Mite
by Gilles Gauthier
illustrated by Pierre-André Derome
translated by Sarah Cummins
Jenny's parents have made it clear that they don't approve of her friendship with Mikey Mite.
Jenny's parents have made it clear that they don't approve of her friendship with Mikey Mite. Now the principal has told her that Mikey doesn't need her help in looking after the school guinea pig. Jenny decides she will tell Mikey just what has happened. But what's this? Mikey tells her to GET OUT! Until Mr. Lotecki steps in, Mikey Mite's troubles just won't go away.
About the Authors
"These [Mikey Mite novels are a treasure. They are child-size editions with bold, easy-to-read type and an accessible format."
Canadian Book Review Annual
Subjects (BISAC)
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