Heads Up!

by Dawn Hunter and Karen Hunter

Glen and Jacob are both on the same soccer team. Theyre best friends until Danny, a new kid, joins the team.

Glen and Jacob are best friends and linemates until a new hotshot, Danny, joins their Toronto soccer team.
Glen thinks Danny is cool, and together they get deeper and deeper in trouble. Jacob tries to warn his old friend that he's headed for disaster, but Danny's bad attitude threatens to take the whole team down.
Heads Up! is a story about the hard choices young people face every day, and how friends can help us make them.

About the Authors

DAWN HUNTER is a Toronto-based editor who has watched, played, and written about baseball for most of her life.
KAREN HUNTER is a Toronto-based editor who has watched, played, and written about baseball for most of her life.


"Heads Up provides a good talking point for a class discussion about divorce, choices and their consequences, loyalty to friends and being honest about feelings. "
J. Lynn Fraser, CM: Canadian review of Materials


Canadian Children's Book Centre Our Choice Selection

Subjects (BISAC)


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