Negotiating So Everyone Wins

Secrets you can use from Canada's top business, sports, labour and political negotiators

by David C. Dingwall

foreword by Jean Chrétien

New insights on making deals that work for both sides — from the people who do it best.

Every day, people make deals that matter. But very few of us benefit from the public scrutiny and analysis that have helped Canada's leading negotiation experts hone their craft. Hockey team executives, cabinet ministers, bank presidents and labour leaders are constantly under the microscope, and they have learned what it takes to build agreements where everyone wins. And they can help all of us do the same.

After a long career in politics, David Dingwall has become one of Canada's leading experts on negotiating. As a visiting professor at Ryerson University, he lectures on the subject of negotiation. He has sought out the experience and advice of Canada's top negotiators in order to develop an approach to deal-making that reflects Canadian values and attitudes.

In this book, he explains the approaches and practices that he and over twenty of the country's best deal-makers use to achieve mutually beneficial deals. He cites the experiences of former TD Bank president Ed Clark, NHL Players' Association head Donald Fehr, former leader of the Canadian Auto Workers Buzz Hargrove, former Ontario premier and Liberal Party leader Bob Rae, and former Harper cabinet minister Lisa Raitt. He also shares behind the scenes insights from his own experience as a politician, legal counsel and business advisor. Video links to his interviews with the experts are included to allow readers to learn more from the people whose experience informs the book.

This accessible and engaging book allows anyone to learn -- from the experts -- how to negotiate so everyone wins.

About the Authors

David C. Dingwall
David C. Dingwall

DAVID C. DINGWALL was born and raised in Sydney, Cape Breton, and attended Dalhousie Law School in Halifax. At twenty-eight he was elected Member of Parliament for Cape Breton-East Richmond, holding the post for seventeen years and serving in the cabinet of Jean Chretien. He was the Minister of Public Works, Minister of Health, and Minister of Supply and Services. He was later President of the Royal Canadian Mint. He now practices law in Toronto, specializing in negotiation, and lectures on the subject at the Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University.


"Negotiating so Everyone Wins illustrates a truly Canadian approach to deal making: passionately pursue the outcome you seek while doing what you can to make it work for the other side."

From the Foreword by former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

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