Real Food for Real Families
Delicious and Simple, Kid-Approved, Additive-Free Alternatives to Common Processed Foods
by Wendy McCallum
Wendy McCallum, a mom with a high pressure job, a husband, and two babies, was trying to do it all -- including making sure her kids were eating well. When her children turned four, she decided to leave her first career behind and focus on learning more about natural food -- and how to get all of us eating more of it, starting with her own family.
Four years later, she's ready to share what's she's learned. We can all eat less of the packaged, processed, and prepared food and instead enjoy real food that is quick, easy, and delicious. In this cookbook, she offers easy-to-make real food alternatives to the most popular processed foods -- from Kraft Dinner to Bear Paws. Every one of her recipes is kid tested and kid approved. The recipes range from Ain't Jemima Pancake Syrup to Popeye Pesto to Free Range Goldfish and This Chalet Chicken.
Wendy offers ideas on how to take the small steps that can ultimately lead to big changes in how a family eats and feels. Great presentation ideas and appealing photographs of the dishes make this book practical and useful. There's a wide range of gluten-free, nut-free, and dairy-free dishes for families who have food allergies to consider.
Wendy McCallum is a great guide for parents who want to make a shift from convenient but unhealthy prepared foods to quick-to-prepare real food that everyone will love.
"My two favourite snacks are the Don't Have a Meltdown Pops and the Kalato chips. They're both so good I don't want to choose." Mae, age 7
"Even if you're a non-beet lover, the gravy covers them up -- this is a ten out of ten!" Ayla, age 9 (trying the Karmic Buddha Bowls)
"Crunchy. Salty. Yummy." Dahlia, age 6 (on the Garbanzo Gobble)
About the Author
"Wendy's honest, helpful, educated, and 100% REAL. Her recipes are easy to follow, her suggestions manageable and realistic, her website is chock-full of wicked tips and her new cookbook, Real Food for Real Families, well, it's downright AWESOME."
"I bought your cookbook today and spent a fun hour with my boys tagging the recipes we want to try -- happy to say we ran out of post-it notes, there were so many! I especially appreciate the 'real facts' about 'not real' food - it was nice for the boys to read it in black and white instead of just hearing me rant about it... Thanks, Wendy!"