A resource guide for the Righting Canada's Wrongs series that provides seven lessons in historical thinking.
The RIGHTING CANADA'S WRONGS series is devoted to the exploration of the mostly unknown, and often shocking, stories of Canadian government's racist actions against various ethnic groups through our history, the fight for acknowledgement and justice, and the eventual apologies and restitution of subsequent governments.
In this Resource Guide you will find seven lessons that will engage your students while they learn about some of the important events in Canada's history that helped shape our current multicultural society. You will find support for teaching about Canada's past treatment of ethnic minorities and how to approach the topic of racism. As well, your students will learn about the important roles that these minorities have played in Canadian society.
A different historical thinking concept is introduced in each lesson
Each lesson is directly linked to books in the series. As more books in the series are published, the Resource Guide will be updated.
Student Blackline Masters are provided for copying.
Evaluation rubrics for your assessment of student achievement on each lesson are included.
Video links throughout the guide will supplement your lesson and add another dimension to student learning.
Special guide to teaching about racism.
About the Authors
Roland Case
DR. ROLAND CASE is Executive director and co-founder of The Critical Thinking Consortium. He was a professor of Social Studies Education at Simon Fraser University. Roland has edited or authored over 100 published works. Notable among these are Understanding Judicial Reasoning (Thompson Publishing, 1997), The Anthology of Social Studies: Volume I and II (Pacific Educational Press, 2008) and Critical Challenges Across the Curriculum-the award winning series of TC² teaching resources. In addition to his teaching career as an elementary school teacher and as a university professor, Roland has worked with 17,000 classroom teachers across Canada and in the United States, England, Israel, Russia, India, Finland and Hong Kong to support the infusion of critical thinking. Roland is the 2006 recipient of CUFAs Distinguished Academics Career Achievement Award.
ILAN DANJOUX is a recent PhD graduate that examined the predictive power of Middle East political cartoons. His forthcoming book on political cartoons and the Israeli Palestinian conflict is published by the University of Manchester Press. He has fifteen years for teaching experience and curriculum design at every level of education, ranging from preschool to Masters programs. Ilan helped develop York university's first online courses, operated an online education web site and designed online learning modules for the University of Leicester.
LINDSAY GIBSON is a PhD student in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the University of British Columbia, currently working on his dissertation proposal and research that will focus on teaching historical thinking. Lindsay is also involved with the Canada-wide Historical Thinking Project and is a member of the Graduate Committee for The History Education Network (THEN/HiER). He has taught social studies methods courses to pre-service teachers in the Bachelor of Education program at the University of British Columbia and the University of British Columbia Okanagan for the past three years. Lindsay taught secondary school history and social studies in Kelowna, BC for ten years and returned to the classroom part-time in the spring of 2012.
In the 1960s, after ignoring the Black community’s repeated petitions for basic services, the City of Halifax bulldozed Africville in the name of urban renewal.
 An examination of the Sixties Scoop—a child welfare policy in Canada that saw the removal of Indigenous children from their families, often by force.
In 1939, a ship of Jewish refugees, including hundreds of children, was turned away by the Canadian government, fuelled by anti-Semitic sentiments. In 2018, Canada apologized.