Showing all 18 results
The Attack on Nova Scotia Schools
An insiders history of 25 tumultuous years in public education in Nova Scotia
$22.95, PaperbackCampus Confidential
Insider revelations about what really goes on inside our colleges and universities$22.95, PaperbackNo Debate
How Israel lobby groups tried to curb free speech at York University.$22.95, PaperbackCampus Confidential
A look at what's really happening inside Canada's universities.$22.95, PaperbackUniversities at Risk
Is the integrity of Canadian universities being threatened by big business and a results driven environment?
$24.95, PaperbackMaking Schools Matter
Making Schools Matter is an anthology of articles and interviews about classroom issues of continuing importance in education today.
$22.95, PaperbackConstructing the Child
Donna Varga discusses Canadian day care since the 1890s, placing particular emphasis upon the influence of developmental psychology.
$19.95, PaperbackMaking the Spirit Dance Within
An exploration of the success of the Joe Duquette High School in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and its commitment to aboriginal spirituality.
$19.95, PaperbackEducating African Canadians
A critical assessment of the experiences of African Canadian students, exploring strategies that will serve to enhance their academic success.
$19.95, PaperbackStubborn Pilgrimage
How have English teachers responded to the pressing demands for educational change as the world moved from the 60's to the 90's? Stubborn Pilgrimage examines the case of Ontario English teachers, detailing their pattern of resistance and reform.$19.95, PaperbackSchools and Social Justice
Through an anlysis of the educational systems of Europe, North America and Australia, the author concludes that social justice is fundamental to a good education.$14.95, PaperbackStacking the Deck
Bruce Curtis, Harry Smaller, D. W. LivingstoneThree experienced educators offer an Ontario-based case study of the results of streaming in classrooms on the children of working-class parents.$14.95, PaperbackCooperative Learning & Social Change
Cooperative Learning and Social Change offers an introduction to a powerful pedagogical method that remains fresh and relevant today.$14.95, PaperbackWhat Our High Schools Could Be...
This book relates the remarkably varied experiences of a man whose career reads like an index of progressive educational developments in late-twentieth century Ontario.
$16.95, PaperbackBuilding A People's Curriculum
This volume introduces a Quebec teachers' collective, La maîtresse d'école, recounting their history and presenting a sampler of their pedagogical writings.$14.95, PaperbackIt's Our Own Knowledge
A collection of papers presented at the Ontario Federation of Labour Conference on Education and Training in 1989, stressing the labour movement's continuing commitment to quality, free public education.$14.95, PaperbackEducating Citizens
Educating Citizens outlines a working class curriculum designed to prepare students for participation in a socialist democracy.$14.95, PaperbackThe Politics of the Canadian Public School
The Politics of the Canadian Public School offers radical critiques of the nation's education system published at a time of great change and upheaval.$14.95, PaperbackShopping CartScroll to Top