Cooperative Learning & Social Change

Selected Writings of Célestin Freinet

translated with commentary by David Clanfield and John Sivell

Cooperative Learning and Social Change offers an introduction to a powerful pedagogical method that remains fresh and relevant today.
Célestin Freinet (1896-1966) spent his whole life teaching in small rural elementary schools in the south of France. From this base, he pioneered an international movement for radical educational reform through cooperative learning.
Freinet's Modern School Movement has provided the network through which a broad community of teachers have come to know his remarkable variety of innovative classroom approaches: the importance of creative and useful work for children learning and close observation of how they do it; a direct appreciation for the natural world; a commitment to developing appropriate technologies for the classroom; and a strong emphasis on linking school and community with the wider issues of social justice and action.
Cooperative Learning and Social Change offers an introduction to a powerful pedagogical method that remains fresh and relevant today.
An Our Schools/Our Selves book.

About the Authors

David Clanfield

DAVID CLANFIELD is an associate professor in French and Cinema Studies at the New College, University of Toronto.

John Sivell

Subjects (BISAC)


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