Showing all 6 results
Deal With It: Homophobia
A timely resource for helping kids understand and resolve conflicts stemming from homophobia and bullying
$24.95, HardcoverInterest ages: 10-16Ableism: Deal With It
Deal With It: Ableism offers self quizzes, real life scenarios, myths and Q&As which identify ableism and ableist behaviour and provides strategies to deal with it.
$24.95, HardcoverInterest ages: 10-13Lexile Reading Level: 820LBody Image Deal With It
A reader-directed exploration of body-image and body-shaming within society and media.
$24.95, HardcoverInterest ages: 9-14Reading level: Grade 5Lexile Reading Level: 760LIslamophobia Deal With It
A reader-directed exploration of tolerance, inclusiveness, and situations where information and communication might create prejudice against Muslims.
$24.95, HardcoverInterest ages: 9-14Reading level: Grade 4Lexile Reading Level: 840LConsent Deal With It
A timely new resource to help kids understand and resolve conflicts stemming from issues of consent$24.95, HardcoverInterest ages: 9-14Reading level: Grade 5Lexile Reading Level: 770LFreedom of Expression Deal With It
Everyone has the right to express their opinions and attitudes, but what happens when these rights conflict with the rights or safety of others?
$24.95, HardcoverInterest ages: 9-14Reading level: Grade 5Lexile Reading Level: 800LShopping CartScroll to Top