Islamophobia Deal With It

Deal with it in the name of peace

by Safia Saleh

illustrated by Hana Shafi

A reader-directed exploration of tolerance, inclusiveness, and situations where information and communication might create prejudice against Muslims.

"...patiently and clearly sets each scene, identifies the issue, offers real-life examples, and provides do’s and don’ts to help readers navigate the various scenarios." — Kirkus Reviews

Today's kids have lived their whole lives in a world where the topic of religious belief has become a serious social issue. The media and social media are full of stereotypes and misinformation about Islam in particular, and this atmosphere of fear and distrust has entered the everyday life of kids. When kids encounter conflict based on intolerance, inequity and ignorance, they need the understanding and the tools to deal with the situation. Whether the reader is Muslim or not, Islamophobia: Deal with it in the name of peace provides information, relatable situations and opportunities for kids to explore both the assumptions of their own biases and those of others.

This illustrated book offers information, quizzes, comics and real-life scenarios to help kids think critically about, avoid and deal with Islamophobia. Considered from the viewpoints of the Believer, the Intolerant, and the Bystander, this issue is identified, examined and put into a context kids can understand and use to navigate issues of faith-based prejudice and discrimination.

About the Authors

Safia Saleh
Safia Saleh
Hana Shafi
Hana Shafi

SAFIA SALEH is a passionate advocate for equity and inclusion. She is a Resource Teacher and facilitates professional learning for teachers and equity learning for youth. Safia's work includes supporting safe and inclusive schools through an understanding of anti-Islamophobia, anti-racism, healthy relationships, mental health, and well-being. Safia lives in Brampton, Ontario.

HANA SHAFI is an author and illustrator who works under the name Frizz Kid. Her visual art and writing frequently explore themes such as feminism, body politics, racism and pop culture. A graduate of Ryerson University's Journalism Program, she is the recipient of the Women Who Inspire award from the Canadian Council for Muslim Women. Her book of poetry and art, It Begins With The Body, was chosen by CBC books as one of the best poetry books of 2018. Hana lives and works in Toronto.


"...patiently and clearly sets each scene, identifies the issue, offers real-life examples, and provides do’s and don’ts to help readers navigate the various scenarios."

Kirkus Reviews


Best Books for Kids & Teens - Canadian Children's Book Centre

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