Pandora’s Box

Corporate Power, Free Trade and Canadian Education

by John Calvert

with Larry Kuehn

First published in 1993, Pandora's Box is an immediate report on the relation between public education and corporate globalization.
This book is about free trade and its impact on education in Canada, and the rapidly growing influence of business in the restructuring of the Canadian educational system.
The authors analyze the powerful economic, political and social forces set in motion by free trade, document the profound educational changes resulting from the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, and predict the consequences of the (then as-yet incomplete) North American Free Trade Agreement. They enumerate free trade's threats to Canada's public education system.
First published in 1993, Pandora's Box is an immediate report on the relation between public education and corporate globalization.
An Our Schools/Our Selves book.

About the Authors

John Calvert

JOHN CALVERT is national co-ordinator for the Anti-Privatization campaigns at the Canadian Union of Public Employees in Ottawa. He is co-author of the Facts of Free Trade (1988) and author of Government Limited (1983).(more)

Larry Kuehn

LARRY KUEHN is director of research and technology for the British Columbia Teachers Federation in Vancouver. He is the contributing editor of Our Schools/Our Selves and New Directions . '(more)

Subjects (BISAC)


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